Donate now

Your donation can help restore sight and thus dignity to someone whose world is in darkness.

It ensures that a child with disability can regularly attend school with adequate support.
It could also generate the much-needed livelihood and income for those with disabilities to break the vicious cycle of poverty!

Donate now

Your donation can help restore sight and thus dignity to someone whose world is in darkness.

It ensures that a child with disability can regularly attend school with adequate support.
It could also generate the much-needed livelihood and income for those with disabilities to break the vicious cycle of poverty!



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You have chosen to donate an amount of ₹ 3000.00. Click submit to record your donation.

80G Exemption

All donations to CBM are eligible for 50% tax exemption under section 80G of the Income Tax Act.


Lives were touched


People reached through our education programme


People with disabilities assisted


People reached through our health programmes


Eye operations were supported


People obtained financial services


Assistive devices distributed