Gauri Gupta, hailing from a rural town in Maharashtra, was born with intellectual and physical disabilities. Complications during her mother’s pregnancy and inadequate neo-natal care led to medical problems that resulted in her condition.
The distraught parents were at their wits’ end – but they knew that they had to do everything in their power for their little one.
Given the utter lack of medical facilities at home, they decided to migrate to Mumbai for their daughter’s health and well-being.
Day in and day out, they went knocking at several doors, seeking support and solace at various government institutions for facilities through social welfare department schemes, Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA), and also a few BMC schools.
Their tireless trips finally bore fruit. One of the SSA department representatives directed them to CBM India’s resource centre at a school in Shivaji Nagar, Mumbai.
Accompanied by her mother, Gauri regularly visited the resource centre. The improvement in her health was remarkable: she can now take 15-20 steps independently! Post 4 months of remedial group sessions, she was successfully enrolled at a mainstream school in the first standard. She still visits the centre, at least five times a week.
Her parents can now heave a sigh a relief. Their daughter’s clipped wings have grown back, and she is set to soar great heights.