FANI, the deadliest cyclone since 1999 hit coastal Odisha on 3rd May 2019. CBM’s Emergency response planned ahead of time sprung up to action working closely with the local authorities. CBM collaboratively worked with Social Security & Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (SSEPD), Government of Odisha, local authorities, disabled people’s organizations (DPOs) and local
hospitals to help affected families and communities with relief and recovery efforts. For relief efforts, CBM intervened in two villages of Khatisahi and Janhikuda in Puri district.
Amreen’s Unstoppable Journey of Learning
Amreen’s Unstoppable Journey of Learning
Amreen, a 20-year-old from a hamlet in Madhya Pradesh, is a bundle of energy and creativity with a passion for painting, sewing, and teaching....