When a community mobiliser from CBM India arrived at Asha’s house in Anekal, Rural Bengaluru, they met 7-year-old Tanvi, a child with Cerebral Palsy Spastic Diplegia who could only communicate with disyllabic words in Kannada. Even though she was enrolled at the Government Primary School in Jigani, she never attended classes. Her disability, hyperactivity, and slowness in academics kept her from appearing in school. Tanvi’s disability made it challenging for her to interact with other children and be playful like other kids her age. She could not lower her legs completely due to tight hamstring muscles caused by Cerebral Palsy.
Initially, Tanvi received one-on-one therapy twice a week at home, focussing on using household appliances. Once CBM India’s Inclusive Community Learning Centre (ICLC) opened in the nearby Koppa Gate Government school, she was able to learn, practice, and improve her skills through various activities, which consisted of physical, speech, occupational, and psychological therapies designed to improve her abilities, build self-confidence, and enhance her communication and problem-solving skills.
She has made significant progress in her education since joining the ICLC, supported by CBM India. With the right support and guidance, she learned to communicate more effectively. She learned how to count from 1 to 100 in English and how to say basic words and sentences, such as “Good Morning,” “Good Afternoon,” “Good Evening,” and “Good Night.” Tanvi’s mother was beyond elated to see her daughter communicating her basic needs, such as “I need to go to the washroom.” Tanvi’s imitation skills have developed, enabling her to pronounce words spoken by others accurately. She can now communicate in both English and Kannada.
At school, she is well-known as a singer by all her teachers. “Tanvi is very regular in her studies. In our group therapy, play therapy, and other celebrations, when asked to sing, she sings very good songs in class”, says her teacher at the ICLC. Tanvi’s participation in assemblies and festival celebrations is noticed even by the teachers in the main school (of which ICLC is a part).
Today, Tanvi continues to thrive, defying the odds and achieving her goals. Her psychological counselling focuses on addressing emotional issues, helping her accept her physical limitations, and improving her self-esteem. Her interpersonal skills have greatly improved because of attending the ICLC, strengthening her relationships with family and peers. Now she is more active and motivated to do all kinds of activities.
Amreen’s Unstoppable Journey of Learning
Amreen’s Unstoppable Journey of Learning
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