Year after year, Assam has borne the brunt of devastating floods, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake. In 2022, witnessing the plight of those affected, CBM India launched a disability-inclusive emergency response. We provided crucial aid to over 32,000 individuals, distributing dry ration kits, sanitation supplies, medical assistance, psychosocial support, and essential household items in Assam. This was just the beginning, as we came to realise that year after year, emergency relief alone wouldn’t suffice.
Recognising the urgent need to build resilience in these vulnerable communities, CBM India Trust launched “Disability Inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction” (DIDRR) in the disaster-prone states of Assam, Bihar, and West Bengal in 2023. This initiative aimed to build resilience and minimise losses due to natural disasters. We actively engaged various stakeholders, including persons with disabilities, to ensure no one was left behind in this critical process.
The essence of our DIDRR initiative lies in its inclusive approach. Task forces comprised diverse members like women, Panchayati Raj representatives, schoolteachers, ASHA & Anganwaadi workers, and persons with disabilities. Through rigorous training, this task force was equipped with essential skills in early warning, evacuation, rescue, first aid and shelter management, making them more prepared to face adversity.
Particular attention was devoted to devising evacuation and rescue plans that catered to the unique needs of vulnerable groups, such as persons with disabilities, children, elderly individuals, and women. Everyone’s safety and well-being were at the forefront of these plans, ensuring everyone reached shelter unharmed.
Multiple mock drills were also organised to ensure preparedness. We worked closely with the district authorities and the District Disaster Management Authority to provide the training catered to the unique needs of each community.
Watch this video as we take you to one of our project locations – Darrang, Assam, to hear from the people about the initiative and its impact.
Join us on this journey towards a more inclusive and disaster-resilient society.