Janaki, a 46-year-old woman who has post-polio residual palsy, smiles despite being severely affected by cyclone Fani. The deadly cyclone Fani tore through 14 districts in Odisha on May 2019, making it one of the deadliest since 1999. Authorities evacuated about 11 lakh people and moved them to shelter homes. The storms ripped roofs, uprooted massive trees, and slammed down power lines. Coastal villages were submerged underwater. In the wake of the disaster, CBM India acted swiftly to provide aid and relief. Janaki’s story exemplifies mental resilience.
In collaboration with Social Security & Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (SSEPD) and Disabled Peoples’ Organization (DPO), CBM India identified 20 persons with disabilities in Balipada village in Sadar Tehsil in Puri District, Odisha who needed support. Janaki’s story is one filled with hope and happiness.
Janaki ran a small ‘chatt’ shop in the village before the cyclone. In addition to losing her shop, Cyclone Fani also took her goat, which was an income source for her. She survived on 50 kilograms of rice provided by the government. The government also provided 5000 rupees for immediate relief. To add to her woes, she lost her tricycle to the cyclone. Without it, she could not earn an income and was confined to her house.
Despite all of these challenges, Janaki beams with optimism and energy. She is pleased with receiving the goat since it gives her regular income. With the income she gets from goat rearing, she hopes to get her stationery shop back on track. Janaki thanked Thomson Reuters and CBM India for their support.