Change Begins Here

Right now, about 2.68 crore people in India are facing barriers that tomorrow could be yours or mine. Not because of their disabilities, but because the world wasn’t built with them in mind. The challenge is real, but so is the solution.

For over half a century, we’ve been proving that change is possible. We’ve seen children with disabilities light up on their first day of school as they get to learn and play with their friends. We’ve watched adults reclaim their independence through healthcare and rehabilitation. We’ve witnessed communities take small but powerful steps toward becoming more inclusive. This is the reality we create every day, together with people like you.

Your donation has the power to keep this change going. And the best part? You can see exactly how your contribution creates impact, from healthcare to education to livelihood opportunities and more.

Want to be part of this change? Let’s make it happen.

Sponsor a child

Sponsor a child and help them achieve their dreams

Donate for a cause

Together We Learn

Education without barriers

Together We Grow

Empowering inclusive livelihood opportunities

Together We Act

Mitigating the impact of climate change

Together We Care

Inclusive healthcare for all